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JAMZ Nationals Qualification Process

Do all teams need to qualify? All teams are required to qualify for JAMZ Youth, NA & School Nationals. JAMZ All Star Nationals is an "Open" event so qualification is not necessary.

Teams within 250 miles of a JAMZ Championship must attend an event and score 70% or higher to qualify for Nationals. When a JAMZ championship is NOT within 250 miles, teams may qualify by video or score sheets.

Qualify Form Opens: Monday after the 1st JAMZ Championship

Deadline to Qualify: Dec. 1st 

JAMZ will notify all teams of qualification status via email within 10-14 business days.  Teams will then be required to submit registration online and payment to JAMZ by the deadlines. The Qualification Process does NOT register you for nationals OR reserve you a performance slot.

Option 1

Option 2

Option 3

JAMZ Championships Stage

Teams scoring 70% or higher at a JAMZ Championship will qualify for JAMZ Nationals and receive a Nationals Invitation along with their score sheets. Teams will need to follow the instructions on the invite to register.

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Videos submitted will be reviewed and scored. Teams scoring 70% or higher will qualify for JAMZ Nationals. Since qualification did not occur at a JAMZ event, we cannot guarantee the routine is free from illegal skills, rule infringements, etc.

JAMZ Score Sheet Submission

Videos submitted will be reviewed and scored. Teams scoring 70% or higher will qualify for JAMZ Nationals. Since qualification did not occur at a JAMZ event, we cannot guarantee the routine is free from illegal skills, rule infringements, etc.

Important! Don't Forget About Rules.

Prior to Nationals, you'll be required to submit the Nationals Routine Review Form to ensure your routine is free from illegal skills.  All Routine Review Forms open Dec 15th. 

Required for Youth & School Teams


 (800) 920-4272  
JAMZ Cheer & Dance
PO Box 4308
Modesto, CA 95352

© 2021-2023 by JAMZ Cheer & Dance. Created by Busy Ave, Inc.

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